Tonari Animation
A web-based animation studio
If you would like to work with Tonari Animation we would be happy to work with you. Please email us, and allow us one business day to respond.
Tonari Animationでの作業をご希望の場合は、以下のアドレスにメールでご連絡ください。1営業日以内にご返信いたします。
Tonari Animation Inc.2261 Market Street #4291San Francisco, CA 94114
Tokyo Branch:3-2-7 Gen Haim 101Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo, Japan
If you need to contact us directly, please use the e-mails below. English or Japanese communication is preferred. 英語または日本語でご連絡ください。
Jarrett MartinCEO, Producer
(English, 日本語)